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Preschool Applied Behaviour Analysis

Preschool Applied Behaviour Analysis (PABA) is an Erasmus+ initiative to equip preschool teachers with the knowledge and skills to reduce harmful or dangerous behaviours among autistic children at early ages, with a view to bolstering their inclusion and educational participation in the future. INSIDE and the partnership are developing a comprehensive handbook for preschool teachers to deliver behaviour management strategies in their classroom, and a training guide for schools to train teachers using the handbook. A digital game is also being developed that enables teachers to explore the impacts of different behaviour management strategies through simulated classroom scenarios. 

Get in touch by email if you are interested in learning how to engage disabled or disadvantaged people in education or employment:


PErfect (KA220-SCH) is an Erasmus+ funded project which aims to enhance the education of students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in physical education (P.E.) classes by developing a comprehensive set of resources and tools for P.E. teachers. Based on a comprehensive needs analysis of over 400 PE teachers, the free resources include an assessment tool tailored for children with ASD, a PE goal bank to guide teachers, a guidebook with 28 lesson plans with inclusive adaptations, and a P.E. toolkit, all on an accessible e-learning platform.

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TMA4ALL seeks to transform the martial arts sector by developing the first evidence-based concept of fully inclusive, grassroots traditional martial arts. INSIDE and the partners will develop and test a series of resources that empower martial arts coaches to use their sports as bio-psychosocial wellbeing interventions for disabled and disadvantaged participants. These outputs include online learning modules and a toolkit on the theory and practice of traditional martial arts coaching, and a mobile app with AI supporting coaches to teach inclusive martial arts. 


Houses4Autism is an Erasmus+ project to improve independent living skills among autistic individuals by borrowing principles and practices from supportive housing environments and replicating these through a VR game. The project also involves the creation of a curriculum for adult educators to develop independent living skills among autistic adults, and a handbook for educational institutions to train educators to deliver the curriculum. 

Help us out! If you know anyone with autism, we welcome them to participate in a brief survey to inform these outputs and activities:

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency(EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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